Extended abstracts of four or six pages will be considered as regular contributions for oral and poster presentations at the conference. Each abstract will be peer-reviewed by internationally recognized experts for acceptance.
Accepted contributions can be revised by the authors following the suggestions given by the reviewers.
The list of topics for the 28th ICDERS colloquium is the following:
- Detonation dynamics, structure, initiation and limits
- Dynamics of flame acceleration and DDT
- Dynamics of reactive supersonic flows
- Propulsion applications of detonations and high-speed flames
- Pressure gain combustion, including pulsed, constant volume, and detonative combustion
- Astrophysical deflagrations and detonations
- Reactive dynamics of energetic materials
- Dynamics of Laminar and turbulent flames
- Turbulence in compressible reacting flows
- Multiphase reactive flow dynamics
- Gas and dust explosions
- Explosion safety
- Fire dynamics
- Diagnostics for reactive systems
- Numerical methods for reacting flows
- Nonlinear analysis and reactive analogues
- Modeling of reactive systems, including data-driven and machine learning-based methods
- Chemical reaction kinetics and reaction dynamics
- Ignition phenomena
- Reaction wave instabilities and quenching
- Relaxation phenomena in shock waves
- Combustion acoustic phenomena
- Nanoparticles and soot in reactive systems
- Combustion processes in IC engines
Submission procedure
1. Click the following link: CMT submission system
2. If you don’t have an account, make it and login. You will see [Author Console] page.
3. Click [+ Create new submission]. You will see [Create New Submission] page.
– Input [Title].
– Input [Abstract], less than 1000 characters.
– Add authors by providing the Email of all authors, and click [+ Add].
If the Email of co-authors is not registered in this system (CMT), you have to provide the co-author’s information (Name, Organization, etc.). Alternatively, before starting submission, ask the co-authors to make an account in CMT.
– Select “Primary Contact” by clicking the button.
– Select “SUBJECT AREAS”. You can Select one for “Primary” and maximum three for “Secondary”.
– Upload your single Adobe Acrobat PDF file of your extended abstract, typeset in A4 page size following the template here provided for LaTeX and Microsoft Word, by “Drop files here” or “Upload from Computer”. Please note that only the printed PDF version will be handled by the system. The maximum file size is 5MB. Please do not exceed it.
LaTeX template: click here. Microsoft Word template: click here.
– Click [Submission].
If you want to change the above, you can edit your submission until the deadline of submission.